Friday, May 15, 2009

"Not ALL Residential Property Management Companies are Alike"

Exposing the Residential Property Management Business

Many companies try to fly under the banner of "Property Management" in the residential arena. Most do not have even a basic level of knowledge of property management, let alone a single certification or license in which to hang their hat on. Exposed are two such types and the solution.

First, you have national known residential real estate sales companies who some time ago decided that in order to increase their profitability formed "property services" divisions.

Typically, the scenario goes something like this. "Well Mr. Jones now that you've purchased a second home from me, did you know our company also has a property management division"? We'd love to take care of your second home while you are away. If you're interested in renting it we can handle that too"! Sound familiar? Eureka! Your wonderful real estate agent just went cha-ching! (again) as he/she knows that there is another commission check coming for getting you on board! Admit it, you thought he/she was looking out for you, didn't you?

Second, are the "Property Maintenance" companies which perform maintenance services such as lawn & landscape, pool service, lot sweeping, janitorial etc. These types of companies are always trying to up-sell you on services you do not need or want. They will often come in with lowball offers for their services and nickle and dime you to death on extra services. This tactic is pretty common in the industry and the national companies are not immune from such tactics as well. Some of these companies will also offer to collect rents, provide house sitting etc, but again do not have the qualifications to properly manage the property.

While you may think you are saving money using either of the above company types, in fact you could be costing yourself hundreds or even thousands of dollars a year! Worse yet, how would you even know? Neither of these companies places the client’s best interest ahead of their own and consistently up-sell additional services which do not add value to the asset.

The solution? Find a company that has your best interest in mind at all times. You should be looking for a company or property manager that is licensed and certified by the Institute of Real Estate Management as a CPM (Certified Property Manager) or ARM (Accredited Residential Manager).

One such company is Quantum Solutions for Real Estate, LLC (QS4 Real Estate). As an IREM Certified Property Manager, I am bound by ethics and fiduciary responsibilities to my clients! I created QS4 Real Estate in order to help smaller individual investors succeed in their real estate ventures.

Our business model is based on creating value for our clients using the IREM methodology of "managing by plan" and proprietary business optimization modules. We ensure cost centers are always competitive, rents (if any) are priced properly and the asset achieves its highest and best use. We do not up-sell, nor do we have any vested interest in our service providers. We consistently re-bid services for you in order to control costs and often find creative ways to generate more revenues for our clients.

Whether you choose us, or another company, you can leave here with the knowledge that you are armed with the proper information into their tactics. So, caveat emptor if they offer you a great deal.

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